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Change is Constant. The user interface of the software keeps on changing by Software Developers to make it simple for users to operate it. Like others, QuickBooks has changed its graphical user interface. Previously you needed to follow the Settings option to bring a few changes at QuickBooks, but now there is a Gear Icon as an added support. You will get the Gear Icon option at QuickBooks by reading this blog.

How to Find the Gear Icon in QuickBooks?You will see the Gear Icon at the top just right across the Company Name when you open QuickBooks. This Gear Icon is referred to with a symbol like a wheel or “setting. After finding the Gear Icon, you need to know the features of it. When you do not see a Gear Icon in QuickBooks, then you need to contact QuickBooks Customer Service Phone Number. It is available 24/7 in your service. 

Advantages of Gear Icon in QuickBooks

QuickBooks has not only amended its user interface but also modified the user interface for Online QuickBooks Software. You will never come across a Menu option when you open it. There will be a+ and a gear icon in it now. + Sign is meant to explore all transactions and a gear icon for setting the QuickBooks features. Below are listed all four parts of a Gear Icon.

Setting – To adjust any Software Program or Hardware Tools, you have to recommend setting. A Gear Icon has setting options in QuickBooks. You can customize templates and other fields for accurate transactions and updates regarding company information by using the setting mentioned in a gear icon.

List – It will help you to check all previous and latest transactions. Users can see the list but not perform the transaction with this. After taking out the list, you can modify or add more operations mentioned in QuickBooks.

Tools – Apart from Setting and List option, tools have the opportunity to accounting charts and items lists. See about your mistakes in a transaction or any Bank Reconciliation. You can also set up a budget for your next marketing.

Company – With this option, you can manage your QuickBooks Online Account and handle users of QuickBooks.

This tremendous amendment has been installed by QuickBooks and the time when a gear icon disappears, then how to find it is mentioned in the next step.

How to Bring Back a Gear Icon Disappeared in QuickBooks?

When there is an update made by QuickBooks features, then a gear icon disappearing issue will come in front of you. You have press F5 to refresh the page of QuickBooks to fix this issue, if not, then follow below steps

       Open this QuickBooks in your private browser first

       If you see a Gear Icon, it means that it is available in QB

       After this, you have to clear all caches and cookies to resolve browser-related problems soon.

       If an error is not resolved, then contact QuickBooks Support Number to troubleshoot this issue soon.

Here, is discussed about the new features of QuickBooks with a recent change like a gear icon and you have also gone through its benefits and if it disappears, then resolving the process to find it. If you can’t find a Gear Icon in QuickBooks, then you can contact QuickBooks Tech Support Number.

Source URL: Where is the Gear Icon in QuickBooks

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