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Sophia blogja - 2020. december

Change is Constant. The user interface of the software keeps on changing by Software Developers to make it simple for users to operate it. Like others, QuickBooks has changed its graphical user interface. Previously you needed to follow the Settings option to bring a few changes at QuickBooks, but now there is a Gear Icon as an added support. You will get the Gear Icon option at QuickBooks by reading this blog.

How to Find the Gear Icon in QuickBooks?You will see the Gear Icon at the top just right across the Company Name when you open QuickBooks.

Címkék: gear icon in quickbooks where is the gear icon in quickbooks


QuickBooks is an accounting platform developed by Intuit. It has become a blessing for small to medium-sized business. QuickBooks assist you in managing your business revenue and expenditures and enabling you to input all kind of transactions. Sometimes the problem occurs when your Accountant records the correction, and you need to import the Accountant's changes that were created by your Accountant.


You can quickly solve this problem with the help of the web or through ACFT or from your system only.

Címkék: import accountant changes in quickbooks


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