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Quickbooks Not Opening Company File

Even the most tech-savvy mavericks go through technical glitches once in a blue moon. Being a dedicated QuickBooks software user, you must have experienced how the workload may have been uplifted quite conveniently. It takes care of your accounting, bookkeeping and lots of other functions. Basically, unburdening your shoulders from the financial woes so you can focus on other crucial aspects of your business. You can get this useful software online that comes with a tutorial on how to use it properly. It is simple to learn and use.

Once you have installed and started using the QB software, it is natural for things to go smooth or rough sometimes. Speaking of which, if you face some issues while opening Company File in QuickBooks; you have come to the right place. Here we believe in focusing on solutions more than problems. We will shed some light on fixing general issues while your company profile does not open. Read on:

Often QuickBooks users face issues while opening a company file. It could be due to numerous reasons. Please don't worry. If the message on your computer screen says, "The file specified cannot be opened. Make sure it is not currently being used by another program or is a read-only file.". "The Windows error is 'The File exists'. OK" Sometimes the user keeps clicking OK more than 10-20 times, the messages reappear. Then you are left with no other resort than to open task manager and quit Quickbooks.

Whether you see some error messages or warnings about Company File, we are presenting some quick-fix solutions below:

1.     Upgrade QuickBooks

If you are using an older version of QuickBooks, it is time to update to the latest release that you'd find online.


2.     Are you opening a valid file?

QuickBooks Desktop contains many file types. You can then open a company file (QBW) with a .qbw extension toward the end of the filename.


3.     The root cause of the issue

Let's find out whether your company file or QuickBooks program itself is causing the issue.

·        Go to the Windows Start menu.

·        Open the File Explorer.

·        Search the QuickBooks.exe file. It's usually in your QuickBooks folder.

·        Hold down CTRL on your keyboard and double-click QuickBooks.exe. Don't stop pressing CTRL until QuickBooks opens.

After QuickBooks opens, open your company file. If you can't, try a second test. Open QuickBooks but do not open your company file. Instead, select Open a sample file.

If QuickBooks or the sample file does not open, or there is an error, the program is creating the issue. It's not your company file. Here are ways to make QuickBooks work if it does not open. If the sample file opens as expected, move on to Step 4.

4.     No more hosting on workstations

If your workstation has the option 'Host Multi-User Access', these computers connected to your network should not host your company files. Your server computer must be the only hosting computer.

·        Open QuickBooks on one of your workstations.

·        Don't open your company file. Instead, select the File menu and hover over Utilities.

·        If you see the "Host Multi-User Access" option, do not select it. Proceed to the next workstation. This one is not causing the problem.

·        If Stop Hosting Multi-User Access is an option, click on it.

·        Repeat these steps on each of your workstations.

After you have checked your workstations, proceed to your server computer. This is the computer that usually hosts your company files.


5.     Time to move your company file

·        Click on the Windows Start menu.

·        Search and open File Explorer.

·        Search the folder with your company file. It's normally in your QuickBooks folder. It appears like this: [Your company name].qbw.

·        Right-click on your company file and select Copy.

·        Right-click on your Windows desktop and select Paste.

·        Right-click on the copied company file and choose Rename. Give the file an easily identifiable name, or add the word "Test."

·        Open QuickBooks. Then go to the File menu and select Open or restore company.

·        Choose the company file that was copied to your desktop and click Open.


6.     Putting off the 'Save when closing' feature

·        Open QuickBooks Desktop.

·        In the No Company Open window, select your company file on the list. Hold ALT on your keyboard and then choose Open. Don't let go of ALT until the file opens.

·        If QuickBooks has asked you to log in, enter your password. Then keep pressing and holding ALT and then click OK.

·        Once you open your company file, turn off the save when closing feature.


7.     Renaming the ND and TLG files for your company file.

TLG and ND files help QuickBooks run properly. Rename the files, so QuickBooks creates new versions of them:

·        Go to the Windows Start menu.

·        Search "File Explorer" and click on File Explorer.

·        Search for and open the folder that has your company file.

·        Look for the TLG and ND files that share a similar name as your company file. They may appear like this: [Your company file name].qbw.tlg and [Your company file name].qbw.nd.

·        Right-click on one of the files and choose Rename. Put the word "Old" to the filenames. Follow this for both files

After this procedure, start opening QuickBooks and your company file. This makes new TLG and ND files automatically.

If you are unable to open your company file, rename your company file and the TLG file for it. Avoid renaming your ND file:

·        Reopen the folder holding your company file and TLG file.

·        Right-click every file and select Rename.

·        Change both the company file as well as TLG file names to something that's only three letters long. No need to change the original file extension (.qbw and .tlg).

Afterwards, open QuickBooks and your company file. If you are still unable to open the copied file, move on to Step 8.


8.     Verify file properties

·        Go to the Windows Start menu and click on File Explorer.

·        Search your company file that appears like this: [Accountinghelpro].qbw.

·        Right-click on the company file and choose Properties.

·        Choose Advanced.

·        Select for unchecking the Compress and Encrypt checkboxes.

·        Click OK.

Now you will be able to open QuickBooks as well as your company file. If you are unable to solve the problem, skip to step 9.


9.     Start the 'repair' process

Return to your first computer and try opening your company file after every step:

·        Start running the Install Diagnostic from the QuickBooks Tools Hub.

·        Proceed with the repair process of your installation files.

·        Time for a clean installation of QuickBooks Desktop.


If you are still facing any issue with opening a company file in QuickBooks, feel free to call QuickBooks Support Number for expert guidance from professionally-trained and experienced professionals.

Source URL: How to Fix QuickBooks Error 12057

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