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An appropriate user interface, simple sync option and ample storage space are some of the features of SBCGlobal Email Account. There are various types of features available in SBCGlobal Email Account. In case as a new user, you need to sign up the SBCGlobal Email account and then access your SBCGlobal Email Account from your computer and smartphone. It also needs protection against unidentified and unauthorized users and global hackers.

As a result, you need to complete the 2-Step Verification process before being accessed with it. It will be impossible for anyone to log in your email account with this 2-Step Verification Process if someone is already having your Username and Password. Anyone who wishes to log in your email account will need a Code. The Code or One Time Password (OTP) will be sent to your registered mobile number as soon as anyone logs in with the 2-Step Verification process.

It will also be delivering an idea that someone is trying to access your SBCGlobal Email Account. Mention this code in the space given in the Verification Process. Consult with experts at SBCGlobal Customer Service Phone Number to know more about this 2-Step Verification Feature.

Benefits of 2-Step Verification

You must be thinking about the characteristics that you will have with a 2-Step Verification SBCGlobal Email Account, then they are

       Any unwanted authority can’t log in to your Email Account.

       Helping out to keep your data safe and secure from hackers and digital threats.

       Probability of Financial Losses and Bad Transactions will get reduced.

       Handling your SBCGlobal Email Account has been possible, and change of Administrative Settings also made it easy.

How to Set-Up 2-Step Verification

You have to go through the below steps to set-up 2-Step Verification at your SBCGlobal Email Account.

       Open your desired web browser and move to Login Page

       Sign in to your account by existing login details

       Once you have entered or signed-in to your account, then click at Account Info from Main Menu

       Then, get closer to Sign-in and then choose Security Tab and then click on the option 2-Step Verification and it will successfully set-up to your account.

       Activate 2-Step verification by sliding toggle button mentioned in front of it, and it will be activated

       Two options are mentioned to activate this feature by using your mobile number.

       Type your mobile number in the space provided and add it and if it has been added already, then there is no need to add it again

       Click on the Send SMS option

       Likely, if you wish to add a new number, then you need to follow the above process to add it.

       After adding a new number, click on Send SMS option

       A verification code will be popped-up at your SMS box in your smartphone

       You have to mention in the same space given below and click at Verify Code option

       From now, you will receive a verification code before login to your SBCGlobal Email Account to verify that It’s you or not

If you are troubling to set-up a 2-Step Verification process, then, you need to contact SBCGlobal Tech Support Number. The support team is available all through the day 24/7, and you can reach it to get the help from experts to have proper resolution irrespective of time and location.

Source URL: - Set up 2-step Verification on Your SBCGlobal Email Account

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