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Selena blogja - 2021. április

How to Set Spam Filter Settings on Mail

SBCGlobal is a leading email platform that is now merged with Yahoo to more advanced service users. It comprises compatible features that quickly let the user configure the main page on your records. Users can easily manage junk and spam folders to improve the operating speed of mail by applying high-end and new features introduced by SBCGlobal. This blog highlights different methods related to spam Filter settings on mail.

Címkék: set spam filter settings on mail


How to Create Email Alias in SBCGlobal Email

You might have been seen when someone is calling you, and you don’t want to receive a call, and indeed, it is diverted to another number. Another situation can be over two phones if you have them with you. When anyone calls your one phone, it is redirected to another where you can receive calls comfortably. The same situations go with the SBCGlobal email too. An alias email is a specific email that can be forwarded to another email.

Suppose you have a SBCGlobal email Id using it for a long time, but now, you have created another email Id with SBCGlobal, and you want to receive all emails into it.

Címkék: create email alias in sbcglobal email email alias in sbcglobal


Impresszum Kft.
