Kis türelmet...
MachineGun Smith
Ah ah ah ah ah aooo
Come inside and be afraid
Of this impressive mess I've made
If you take a look now you will find
I have thrown away my vice
Done away with paradise
See what's going on inside my mind
Please let me out
Please let me out
Please let me
Branded like an animal
I can still feel the burn in my mind
I do believe that you've made your message clear
I think I am losing my mind
I think I am losing my mind
Deprivating, isolating all that I feel
Leaving me with images I know are not real
Are those words of condemnation that I hear
I think I am losing my mind
I think I am losing my
Come inside now, I implore
Do you think you can restore
The crucial pieces missing from my brain
What seems to be the matter dear
Why do you cry and shake with fear
I've only had the best dub me insane
Please let me out
Please let me out
Please let me
Branded like an animal
I can still feel the burn in my mind
I do believe that you've made your message clear
I think I am losing my mind
I think I am losing my mind
Deprivating, isolating all that I feel
Leaving me with images I know are not real
Are those words of condemnation that I hear
I think I am losing my mind
I think I am losing my mind
I don't know how much I can take
The secret thoughts inside me wake
I've lost what was within me
Oh sweet insanity
I don't know how much I can take
The secret thoughts inside me wake
I've lost what was within me
Oh sweet insanity
Now I try again to find
The thing that was my mind
Behold the undersigned
Who said I've lost my mind
Try again to find
The thing that was my mind
Behold the undersigned
Who said I've lost my mind
I've lost my mind
I've lost my mind
I've lost my mind
I've lost my mind
I've lost my mind
I've lost my mind
I've lost my mind
I've lost my mind
I've lost
I've lost my mind
I've lost my mind
I've lost my mind
I've lost my mind
I've lost my mind
I've lost my mind
I've lost my mind
I've lost my mind
A Disturbed egy amerikai rockzenekar az Illinois állambeli Chicagóból. 1996-ban alakultak, mikor Dan Donegan, Steve „Fuzz” Kmak és Mike Wengren felkérte énekesnek David Draimant. Eredetileg nu metal együttes, azonban mostanában már sok kritikus hard rock vagy heavy metal csapatnak említi őket; egyesek viszont alternatív metalnak nevezik. Tulajdonképpen a zenekar stílusa mind a mai napig vitatott. Mikor David Draimant interjúvolták arról, hogy egyes metal rajongók nem találták elég keménynek a Disturbed zenéjét, ezt válaszolta: „Lehet, hogy túl sok dallamot használunk, esetleg nem vagyunk elég féktelenek vagy csípősek. Bár én nagyon szeretem ezt a fajta zenét, nem ez az, amit mi próbálunk csinálni. Ha a dolgokat összefüggésbe akarjuk hozni, mi manapság inkább hard rockot játszunk, mint heavy metalt.”
Kategória: Zene
Feltöltés ideje: 3 éve
Látta 174 ember.