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1/1 oldal (6 videó)
GilucZ töltötte fel ezen a napon: 2011.09.29.
This is another relaxing sound. This time it's rain, but there is also some background noise in form of cars and other noises, which only adds to the relaxing atmosphere. Listen to this while trying to fall asleep, or while reading/studying/anything else where you have to concentrate.
You can also combine this relaxing rain with some music - personally I can recommend some chilly jazz music. This relaxing rain is best when being listened to through a high quality pair of headsets or headphones.
Credits for the audio goes to Corsica_S, who provided and own the rights to this great high quality recording of relaxing rain in the night.
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Kategória: Család, gyerek
Feltöltés ideje: 12 éve
Látta 433 ember.