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peterson blogja, iphone 12


Screen recording is a powerful feature that allows iPhone 12 users to capture and share their device's display. Screen recording is valuable whether you want to create a tutorial, showcasing a new app, or share a game-winning moment with friends. In this article, we'll learn How to screen record on iphone 12.

How To screen record on iphone 12:

Enabling screen recording on your iPhone 12 is a straightforward process that only takes a few seconds to complete. You'll need to add the screen recording button to your Control Center. To do this, go to your iPhone 12's Settings app, tap on Control Center, and then select Customize Controls. Next, scroll down to the Screen Recording option and tap the green "+" button to add it to your Control Center. Once you've added the screen recording button, you can start recording your iPhone 12 screen by opening the Control Center and tapping on the icon that looks like a circle with a dot in the center.

Címkék: iphone 12


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