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peterson blogja - 2023. március


Screen recording is a powerful feature that allows iPhone 12 users to capture and share their device's display. Screen recording is valuable whether you want to create a tutorial, showcasing a new app, or share a game-winning moment with friends. In this article, we'll learn How to screen record on iphone 12.

How To screen record on iphone 12:

Enabling screen recording on your iPhone 12 is a straightforward process that only takes a few seconds to complete. You'll need to add the screen recording button to your Control Center. To do this, go to your iPhone 12's Settings app, tap on Control Center, and then select Customize Controls. Next, scroll down to the Screen Recording option and tap the green "+" button to add it to your Control Center. Once you've added the screen recording button, you can start recording your iPhone 12 screen by opening the Control Center and tapping on the icon that looks like a circle with a dot in the center.

Címkék: iphone 12



Luxury homes have always symbolized wealth, status, and opulence. These magnificent properties are designed and built with the most exquisite materials and feature the latest technology and amenities. From modern mansions to historical palaces, the world's Most expensive houses are awe-inspiring examples of architectural beauty and sophistication. In this article, we will know about the Most expensive housein the world, their locations, features, and the jaw-dropping price tags that come with them.

Címkék: house



A cricket stadium is a sports facility specially designed for cricket. It is an oval-shaped ground with a flat playing surface covered by a circular boundary rope or fence. The size and dimensions of a cricket stadium can go, but it generally measures nearly 150-200 meters in diameter.

A cricket stadium usually has seating setups for viewers around the boundary and other stands and boxes for VIPs. It also has facilities like dressing rooms, practice nets, media centers, scoreboards, and other luxuries to help the players, officials, and other people involved in the game.

Címkék: cricket



In Modern times, amazon's renewed products are evolving and popular worldwide. Amazon is an American global technology company focusing on e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. The company was initially founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994, as an online bookstore and, after setting out to sell various products and skills, including electronics, clothing, food, and more.

What are renewed products?

Renewed products refer to pre-owned or used products fixed to like-new needs by the factory or a third-party refurbisher.

Címkék: amazon


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