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Dorothy blogja, truth


Speaking the truth is synonymous to making efforts towards achieving happiness in life. While numerous factors capable of distorting the truth exist, nothing comes close to deceit. Primarily, deceit implies pursuing lies for self-benefit while preventing others from knowing and understanding the truth. Guy De Maupassant’s short story The Jewelry contextualizes a literary motif, deceit by exploring its connection to the truth in quest to find happiness. More profoundly, the author questions whether a life filled with lies, uncertainty and overall deception actually contributes to an individual’s happiness.

Címkék: deceit guy de maupassant life truth



Speaking the truth is synonymous to making efforts towards achieving happiness in life. While numerous factors capable of distorting the truth exist, nothing comes close to deceit. Primarily, deceit implies pursuing lies for self-benefit while preventing others from knowing and understanding the truth. Guy De Maupassant’s short story The Jewelry contextualizes a literary motif, deceit by exploring its connection to the truth in quest to find happiness. More profoundly, the author questions whether a life filled with lies, uncertainty and overall deception actually contributes to an individual’s happiness.

Címkék: deceit guy de maupassant life truth


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