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Speaking the truth is synonymous to making efforts towards achieving happiness in life. While numerous factors capable of distorting the truth exist, nothing comes close to deceit. Primarily, deceit implies pursuing lies for self-benefit while preventing others from knowing and understanding the truth. Guy De Maupassant’s short story The Jewelry contextualizes a literary motif, deceit by exploring its connection to the truth in quest to find happiness. More profoundly, the author questions whether a life filled with lies, uncertainty and overall deception actually contributes to an individual’s happiness. However, in article rewriting service the theme of deceit is further analyzed in reference to my personal experience. In “The Jewelry” by Guy De Maupassant, Monsieur and Madame Lantin display deceit and selfish tendencies, which ultimately undermines commitment to their marriage and eventual happiness.

Guy De Maupassant’s The Jewelry

As an institution, marriage should be built on openness, understanding, perseverance and ultimately, speaking the truth. However, the Lantin’s marriage despite all the promise it carried, was built on quicksand. Coming from a community, which greatly cherishes the institution of marriage, it is evident that Monsieur and Madame Lantin’s problems are not circumstantial, rather they are self-inflicted. During my early childhood, our next door neighbors, a young couple would quarrel from time to time about finances, spending, cheating by one of the partners and the perceived lack of commitment. Nobody cared for what the other person felt as ideal for their marriage. Often I had how the young man was desperately trying to auction his wife’s inheritance and running away. This is reflexive of Guy De Maupassant’s short story. There is a greater emphasis on material possessions than what really unites them in the house. For instance, Madame Lantin’s obsession with theatres, jewelry and other likeable materials means that she spends even lesser time with her husband, Monsieur Lantin. Similarly, Lantin spends much time in his job, against the wishes of his wife. As a result, they are unable to understand one another, which explains Monsieur Lantin’s later discovery of the expensive jewelry under his wife’s possession.

Marriage should be a bonding between two people, who decide to share their dream and secrets, irrespective of the circumstances. Apparently, the value of Madame Lantin’s collection of Jewelry comes as a shock to her husband following her demise. Lantin cannot believe his luck and how he is no longer a pauper. His entry into the wealthy class is based on an extramarital affair, which his wife was having in the course of their marriage. It is deceitful of her, given how she plainly declared their love from time to time. Furthermore, it makes a mockery of their marriage vows and all that surrounds it. Madame Lantin’s actions symbolize the selfish interest and uncaring behavior towards her husband. Perhaps, it implies Madame’s quest to be happy overriding the human concern for others, particularly her husband. She seeks to attain her happiness irrespective of the means. Having another lover, giving her jewelry presents is just one of the means for the realization of happiness.

Despite being unfair to the husband because of being cheated on, but it also betrays her own consciousness regarding loyalty to her husband and their marriage. Madame Lantin’s humble background meant that it was impossible for her to possess such expensive jewelry, which leads to one conclusion; cheating. Therefore, it makes both Madame Lantin and their marriage deceitful because of the infidelity (Ibrahim 3). Deceit is further illustrated by Madame Lantin’s declaration that the jewels were in fact fake, although this is later known to be untrue. All the jewelry was real. Therefore, Madame Lantin only sought to hide their true worth, maybe she could have been suspected of cheating. The discovery by Lantin regarding his wife’s extramarital affair enrages him, and he is left unhappy. Lantin is so emotional after coming this realization.

Monsieur Lantin experiences extreme grief following the loss of his wife, Madame Lantin. However, it is ironical that his grief heals the moment he finds his wife’s jewelry. This underlines Lantin’s deceitful nature. He becomes very rich and would often boast about it whenever he meets people, who previously knew him as poor. Perhaps this begs the question, was their love as deeply-rooted as they made it look? Lantin sounds and looks happy after getting the riches from the sale of his wife’s jewelry. In my case, and having observed our neighbors, the young lady was rumored to possessing immense fortune: inheritance to his grandfather, but was held by a trustee until she attained the age of 23 years. However, her husband, slightly older than her, always quizzed her about the property and any possibility of accessing it before the lawful date. While the Lantin’s case slightly differs with my case, it still explains whether love can be deeply-rooted enough to withstand material possessions or not. However, it resonates with the relationship between the Lantins particularly after the death of Madame. Consequently, despite the lack of transparency from Madame Lantin, selling her jewelry collection is still synonymous to betraying her memory.


In essence, Lantin’s entire life represents a sequence of deceitful incidences which draw him into more misery, frustrations and uncertainty. Therefore, these situations only amplify his unhappiness. Similarly his wife, Madame Lantin displays cases of deceit, particularly due to her engagement outside their marriage, since that was the only reason she could have gained access to expensive jewelry. Furthermore, Madame Lantin’s dishonesty about the value and quality of her jewelry is deceitful in that she tricks her husband. Monsieur equally displays numerous cases of deceit, which are synonymous to my experience. Essentially, deceit only deprives people the opportunity to enjoy happiness, particularly in the course of their marriage as exemplified by Madame and Monsieur Lantin’s pursuit of material possessions.

Címkék: deceit guy de maupassant life truth

Kapcsolódó cikkek:

  Deceit in The Jewelry


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