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Ez a funkció csak regisztrált tagoknak elérhető. Csatlakozz most a Networkhöz vagy ha már tag vagy, lépj be itt:

Persy Sledge-Been loving you too long

I found a woman
I felt I truely loved
She was everything
I'd ever been dreaming of

But she was bad, I didn't know it
Her pretty smile never did show it
All I knew is what I could see
And I knew I wanted her for me

I took her home to mama
Mama wanted to see my future bride
Well she looked at us both
Then she called me to her side

She said, son, take time to know her
It's not an overnight fhing
Take time to know her
Please don't rush into this thing

But I didn't listen to mama
I went straight to the church
I just couldn't wait to have a little girl of mine
When I got off from work
The preacher was there
So was my future bride
He looked at us both and then he called me to his side

Take time to know her
Its not an overnight fling
You better take time to know her
Please Please don't rush into this thing

When it look like every thing was gonna turn out all right
And then I came home a little early one night
And there she was kissin on another man
Now I know what mama meant when she took me by the hand
And said son, take time to know her
Its not an overnight fling
Take time to know her
Please don't rush into this thing
Take time to know her
Its not an overnight fling
Take time to know her

Címkék: zene  

Kategória: Zene

Látta 377 ember.

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