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Kelly Family - An Angel

I wish I had your pair of wings
Had them last night in my dreams
I was chasing butterflies
Till the sunrise broke my eyes

Tonight the sky has glued my eyes
Cause what they see´s an angel hive
I´ve got to touch that magic sky
And geet the angels in their hive

Sometimes I wish I were an angel
Sometimes I wish I were you
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
Sometimes I wish I were you

And all the sweet honey from above
Pour it all over me sweet love
And while you´re flying around my head
Your honey kisses keep me fed

I wish I had your pair of wings
Just like last night in my dreams
I was lost in paradise
Wish I´d never opened my eyes

Sometimes I wish I were an angel
Sometimes I wish I were you
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
Sometimes I wish I were you

But there´s danger in the air
Tryin´so hard to be unfair
Danger´s in the air
Tryin´ so hard to give us a scare
But we´re not afraid

Címkék: zene  

Kategória: Zene

Látta 721 ember.

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