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Nem vagy belépve

Ez a funkció csak regisztrált tagoknak elérhető. Csatlakozz most a Networkhöz vagy ha már tag vagy, lépj be itt:

Long years on since 1995 I have poems addressed to hail November coz in this part of the year I am more open to world as it would normally be, let me say, accepted. Though, in my verse fabrique there are some in German but I keep a lot just to be the stones of swinging experiment. The most important issue about all of them that I never correct failures whilest writing. Through letting failures coexisting with the piece of art can give in some cases an additionary value looking truly to the real writing milestones without mastering the only piece of perfection.


Pixel Pin


Pond a stone

Deep in my vains

Pull me out

Fixin’ my strains.


Twang my tunes

I will not sing

Dare me play

Touch my wing


Let me fly there

Wher’out to land

Don’t ask me sitting

Wher’I’ve to stand


Don’flux the Idiot

In wires of coax

Don’tell me hurry

Predicting the hoax


Play my strains

How I never did

Don’slow the fast

Let just be vivid.


Written by:

Balogh András


November 2011

Miskolc, Hungary


Címkék: english-hungarian feeling pixel poems

Kapcsolódó cikkek:

  Far Lyrical


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