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András blogja - 2012. március

Shining Lady

I see your angel face
In some of the women's eyes
Though, I regret I don't have Thee
So my heart just flies

Flies away with my desire
Flies and never get back
Just until my dream vanishes
Up until this very late step

Stupid lines, look it's for Thee
To pray Thy'n beauty into Lied
Wanna caress desires
And, Thee to feel the same

Wanna see the dream
Posing it to reality
The message has been sent
To heaven eternity

Thee, ough I wish to stare
Thee, and no any other
Let this reality be
The best romantic novel

Starring Thou
The angel beauty above
I will not get through
The fire hells' hot stove

I see Thy'n angel face
In here walking women's eyes
I regret I still haven't Thee
So my heart just flies
So my heart just flies
In far away land's skies.

Címkék: english lady poem sorrow


Impresszum Kft.
