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Ellen blogja - 2016. február

Country star Carrie Underwood is planning to keep fit on tour by taking a mobile gym on the road.


The Before He Cheats singer hired a personal trainer to help whip her into shape following the February, 2015 birth of her first child, son Isaiah, and she has been flaunting her trimmed figure ever since.


She is set to embark on her four-month Storyteller Tour: Stories in the Round later this week (30Jan16) and Carrie is determined to stay on top of her new fitness routine while away from home with the help of her trainer Eve Overland.



Jane Birkin wishes she'd ditched the heavy eye make-up as a youngster.


The British singer and actress became the poster girl for '60s cool when she started a romance with French star Serge Gainsbourg. Jane's style is still relevant in today's culture, with countless celebrities and fashion fans carrying around the famous Hermes Birkin bag, which was named after her.


Despite her unrivalled style, Jane would happily change aspects of her former look.

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"Serge liked to go to fashion houses, and we used to go and watch the girls parade in the dresses and decide what I would wear and not wear, say, to Maxim’s for the New Year or something," she divulged to America's Vogue.



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