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Country star Carrie Underwood is planning to keep fit on tour by taking a mobile gym on the road.


The Before He Cheats singer hired a personal trainer to help whip her into shape following the February, 2015 birth of her first child, son Isaiah, and she has been flaunting her trimmed figure ever since.


She is set to embark on her four-month Storyteller Tour: Stories in the Round later this week (30Jan16) and Carrie is determined to stay on top of her new fitness routine while away from home with the help of her trainer Eve Overland.


"New tour toys!" she exclaimed sharing a photo collage of her gym bus on Instagram. "Had a #mobilegym made for this year! Now I can work out anywhere!"


Carrie went on to reveal she is determined to perfect her beach body in time for the summer, adding, "My new motto is: #ShreddedBySummer The one and only @eveoverlandfitness is going to help me get there. I'll post progress as I go! I'm super excited!"

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The 32-year-old previously shared the secrets to her fitness success with New York Magazine's The Cut, advising fans to invest in a trainer to help boost motivation.


"I recommend that people save their money and get a good trainer to come over a couple of times a week," she told The Cut. "Learn from them what to do, and then do it on your own. That's what I do."


Carrie, who is married to ice hockey star Mike Fisher, has also been working hard to maintain a balanced diet, although she admitted it hasn't been easy.


"When I'm around people, I eat a lot better because I feel like I have to live up to expectations," she said. "So when I'm alone I'll just eat junk. I'll eat chips. I'll just open my fridge and say, 'What can I have? Oh, there's some ice cream, awesome, let me have that.' But in general, when I'm alone, I don't eat very well."


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