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PRINCE2 ranks as one of the best project management certifications all over the world when it comes to project management. PRINCE2 has two different levels that have their own significance. The levels of PRINCE2 are PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner and PRINCE2 Agile Foundation. It is possible for the candidates to access numerous training programs over the internet, which can prove to be very beneficial. Another major benefit which the candidates can access from the following credential is that it doesn’t require the candidates to spend extra time on their classes. The training program of Axelos mainly lays emphasis on the main and crucial knowledge areas of PRINCE2, which makes the following ideal to practice for the PRINCE2 certification exam.


PMP stands for Project Management Professional. The certification of PMP is one of the crucial certifications in the project management field. The certification of PMP enhances the career path of the candidates to a great extent. In order to achieve the certification of PMP, the candidates have to appear in a certification exam in which they have to qualify.


Qualifying for the project management exam will provide them the following credential. The following also provides a great start to the career of the candidates, being one of the finest entry-level certifications. Every certification in the field of project management feels easier to achieve after achieving the following because it clears all the conceptual doubts of the candidates.


Advantages of PMP certification:


  1. Gaining the certification of PMP enhances the career opportunities of the candidates. A heavy rise in the demand for the following certification is noticed in recent years. The candidates who have achieved the following credential get global recognition. Employers overall large-scale organizations provide job opportunities to the candidates having the PMP certification. The following certification provides exceptional expertise to thrive in the international project management market.
  2. The PMP certification gives worldwide recognition to candidates all over the globe. On the other hand, the PMP credential provides various opportunities to the candidates in the job market. The following credential is a great addition to the CV of the individuals.
  3. As per a survey conducted, the candidates who have the certification of PMP get 18% more salary as compared to the non-certified candidates. The approximate average salary of the PMP certified candidates is 129,457 USD per annum. Certified professionals make more money because they are highly skilled in the project management field.
  4. PMP certifications boost the experience and skills of individuals in all fields of project management. The certification of PMP allows individuals to come across numerous opportunities in all sectors of project management.


Advantages of PRINCE2 certification:


  1. The certification of PRINCE2 boosts the career of the candidates engaged in the following. The credential of PRINCE2 provides candidates with numerous jobs in the industry. This happens because employers in an organization give more preference to the PRINCE2 certified candidates than the non-certified ones.
  2. The salaries of the PRINCE2 certified candidates are higher as compared to the non-certified candidates. It is a confirmed fact that PRINCE2 credentials can boost the salaries of individuals to another level. The average salary of PRINCE2 certified candidates is around 210000 pounds per year.
  3. The candidates who have the PRINCE2 certification achieve exceptional project management expertise after achieving the following credential. The PRINCE2 credential provides the candidates the expertise which is essential to managing projects properly.
  4. Gaining a PRINCE2 credential enhances the confidence level of the candidates to a great extent. The certification is very helpful for the candidates during their job interviews. The certification of PRINCE2 gives an upper hand to the candidates as compared to other members of the project management team.




Both PRINCE2, as well as PMP, are great certifications in the project management field. The PRINCE2, as well as PMP certification, provide major help to the individuals in numerous ways like enhancing their vocational skills, enhancing the prospects of salary, providing proper understanding in the field of industrial aspects. The PMP or the PRINCE2 certified candidates have a deep understanding regarding their career as well as other various aspects of the project management field. Generally, the candidates who have either one of the certifications can gain the upper hand in multinational organizations and other companies. It is even better if the candidates have both certifications with them. Having both the certification provides a bombastic rise to both their career and salary.


Címkék: certification prince 2 training


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