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In the recent years, a significant number of large, non-discretionary information artifacts have been collaboratively developed on the internet to facilitate an exchange of information between crowds of users. The key driver of their development is the need to leverage wisdom from various groups of individuals and directing it towards meaningful use such as solving complex difficulties. Nonetheless, these information artifacts are often faced with a variety of user experience challenges. This mainly driven by the numerous layers of access to the data shared in the Information system. An analysis of the various user experience challenges facing a significant, non-discretionary information artifact such as online courses could be crucial towards promotion of efficiency in the delivery of helpful insights to a variety of situations.
According to elite writers Ranj and Maheswaran, the predominant user experience challenge facing the sizeable non-discretionary information artifact is security. This is based on the fact that there are numerous hackers in the society today with the technical know-how of manipulating various networking nodes added to the networks for personal gain and carrying out evil deeds. Besides, most information artifacts have no significant way of identifying malicious actors and individuals who were previously evicted for being miscreant in the past. Thus, asserting the identity of the users of the information artifact remains a severe user experience challenge with relation to promoting privacy and confidentiality of the information shared by the users.
Another user experience challenge identified is Connectivity as the communication models are required to connect various network nodes from different devices based on the number of users accessing the information at the time (Wong et al., 2014). As such, the underlying technologies often become strained and generate a huge traffic that often leads to crashing of the servers. In this regard, there are subsequent failures in facilitating information exchange from the vast amount of data shared through the information artifact. Additionally, the numerous users accessing the large, non-discretionary information artifact connect to the system using different devices that often face compatibility issues. The compatibility issues are fostered by lack of standardized protocols in software and hardware applications used in operation.
Consequently, Duval et al., delineates lack of technical skills to use and operate the non-discretionary information artifact is also a significant challenge for the users that hinder efficient use of the system. This is based on the point that different people tend to have differing technological levels of knowledge. In this regard, the use of the information artifact may appear complex to a variety of users thereby deterring consistency in sharing of the information via the system. More specifically, the efficiency of the system is significantly reduced for failure to attain its intended development objectives.
Lastly but not the least, the integrity of the information shared through large, non-discretionary information artifact is also a severe user experience challenge in the use of the system. This is directed by the fact that data is considered to have high integrity if it is not tampered or modified by unauthorized individuals. Nonetheless, the vast information artifact does not have a basis for identifying and grouping information modification as either authorized or unauthorized. In this respect, the users of the information shared through the system depend on consensus to verify high-quality data and feedbacks from other users which is ineffective and undependable.
To conclude, large, non-discretionary information artifacts such as online courses have been observed to facilitate the exchange of information to a wide range of individuals. However, numerous user experience challenges have been identified with the use of the information artifacts. They include the problem of security that pose a risk to confidentiality and privacy of the information; the challenge of connectivity; lack of technical skills and lack of integrity in the information shared via the system. elite writers