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How to hide posts on fanpage

If you are running a Facebook Fanpage, you may want to hide posts from your homepage. This can be useful if you want to hide specific information or only want the post to be visible to certain users. In this article, we will show you  how to hide posts on  your Fanpage.

Do you know how to write content for fanpage yet?

Step 1: Select the post to hide

First, you need to log in to your Fanpage management page. Then, go to the post you want to hide and click the arrow to the right of the post. Select "Edit Post" from the list of options.

Címkék: cach an bai viet fanpage


How to increase sharing on Facebook: Experience, strategies and tips

Do you want to increase the number of shares on Facebook to bring your information to more people? This not only helps you get the attention of potential customers but also helps you establish yourself or your organization. But how to increase the number of shares on Facebook? This article will share experiences, strategies and tricks to help you  increase shares on Facebook

How to increase shares on Facebook - Post regularly

See related articles:  HERE

Strategy #1: Create quality content

Tạo nội dung chất lượng là nguyên tố quan yếu nhất để nâng cao lượng share trên Facebook.



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