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Ez a funkció csak regisztrált tagoknak elérhető. Csatlakozz most a Networkhöz vagy ha már tag vagy, lépj be itt:

As a beginner in skateboarding, I bet that many of you have purchased several skateboards before you can meet a favorite one. However, the problem that arises here is that you don’t want to keep all these boards at home since you will never use them. In that case, finding someone to sell these boards would be the perfect option.


So where can you sell these unused skateboards? Well, it is quite hard to sell to skaters at skate parks since they are all having great skateboards. I don’t imply that your board is not good but it would be harder to find someone who finds the board suitable with a limited number of customers like at a skate park.


An article at SkateAdvisors discussing some methods to sell the spare skateboard has pointed out some effective ways to do so. Thanks to the development of the internet, selling something online is much more convenient.



Besides finding the right online platform for selling, skaters should also pay attention to the pictures you need to upload and the resale price to get the best profit. To determine these criteria, you will have to consider a number of factors such as the price when you bought the board, the condition of the products, etc.


Used skateboards but with the upgrade of deck, wheels, or trucks often cost more than a complete skateboard that has just been bought for a skate shop. Therefore, you should consider carefully before giving the desired price.


Moreover, buyers usually propose a cheaper price than the real cost of the board so you recheck the price when you first bought the skateboard to make the smartest decision. If you don’t know how to evaluate the price of a skateboard, you can check out the guide from SkateAdvisors on gravatar.


Here are some of my suggestions to sell your spare skateboards:




You can find everything you are looking for on eBay including your favorite skateboard, therefore this should be the perfect place for skaters who want to sell their skateboard. You can sell your skateboard for free on eBay with just some steps for putting your information there.


Besides being a good place for reselling, eBay offers several products related to skateboarding that may interest you. If you are lucky enough, you could find some amazing skateboards or accessories at a reasonable price.





Have you ever heard about the marketplace on Facebook? If not, it is the time you clean your skateboard and post it here. For many readers of SkateAdvisors on vimeo, this is the ideal place to purchase good skateboards and accessories at a reasonable price. All you have to do is to take a photo of your skateboard and post it on the marketplace of Facebook like status with the price you want. Then just wait for the customer to contact you.


Besides those big trading platforms, I also recommend you check out Sideline Swap, Gear Trad, Kijiji, and Craiglist.



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