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Thomas Hansen blogja

Dangers of Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial intelligence (AI) has brought many opportunities and benefits, but also comes with dangers that cannot be ignored.


1. Loss of Work:

AI and automation can lead to job losses for people doing repetitive work. Robots and automated systems have the potential to replace some human jobs.


2. Information Security Risks:

High reliance on AI also creates information security risks. AI systems can become vulnerable, threatening privacy and personal information security.

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The Spread of Information Technology:

Information technology has completely changed the way we live and work. From global network connectivity to smart applications that help optimize work, information technology has become a pillar of modern life.


Continuous and Easy Communication:

With the explosion of the internet and smartphones, communication between people has become easier than ever. Information technology has reduced distance, allowing us to connect and interact quickly via email, text, or messaging applications.



As an indispensable part of modern life, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has had a remarkable development and strong influence on every aspect of human life. From technology to health, education, work and daily communication, AI has taken on a role that cannot be ignored.


The Spread of AI in Technology:

AI technology has penetrated deeply into a variety of fields. In industry, AI-based automation, image recognition and data management systems have helped increase productivity and reduce production costs.

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