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The HMC next film screening, come to see this "Best European film"!

Bahrtalo!  Good Luck! / Bahrtalo!  Jó szerencsét!
Hungarian / Magyar film
Director: Robert Lakatos
English subtitles

Saturday, October 08, 2011 2:45 pm
Center for Community Cooperation
2900 Live Oak Street, Dallas, TX 75204

"This is a touchy road movie about two outsiders. The director finds the adapted form for his story, a perfect balance between fiction and reality. This is a really open- minded film."

How to hit the Jackpot? This question is not a simple one to answer for anybody. But it is even harder
to solve for the two friends from this film, the "big hat" Gypsy, and his Hungarian body - both of them
Transylvanians. Many times they don't succeed, but even if they do, their successes don’t last long. But they know something not all of us know: how to enjoy life. In this neorealistic comedy even if the situations are set up by the director, the two main characters are playing themselves, and  solving the problems in their own way. In fact the camera follows the adventures of a real friendship in different countries, through different cultures.

The film has won the Europa Cinemas Label as Best European film at the
43nd Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in 2008, it was announced today by a jury of four Europa Cinemas exhibitors.

Tickets for HMC $6.00, for nonmembers $10.00.
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„Eladom a kocsimat, ha kell, de esküszöm, megadom!”
Lakatos Róbert: Bahrtalo! Jó szerencsét!
Lakatos módszerének a lényege az, hogy miután megteremtette az alaphelyzetet, visszahúzódik, és hagyja hogy szereplői arra reagálva megéljék a történetet. Ennek a megközelítésnek köszönhetően az egész film olyan különlegesen üde és friss hatást kelt, ami az utóbbi években született magyar filmek között ritkaságnak számít.

Címkék: film


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