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Ez a funkció csak regisztrált tagoknak elérhető. Csatlakozz most a Networkhöz vagy ha már tag vagy, lépj be itt:

While peeking into the shipping endeavors, we find vehicle relocation as the toughest part of relocation. However, with problems, we find the solution too. Looking at the regular stats, we gather that people frequently choose car shifting by train. Rail medium has been considered to be the most economically balanced and secure mode of transportation. 


Now, not everyone is that familiar with the rail shipping procedure. Thus, this blog is dedicated to all those first-timers. 


4-Step Process of Shipping


The whole shipping procedure is differentiated into 4 parts. 


Booking from Station:

The first step is to book a spot for your vehicle on any one of the trains to your selected destination. Here, you need to give all required destinations to the parcel shipping form. Once your form and fees are accepted, you will get a confirmed ticket for shipping. 


Vehicle Preparation:

The second step includes various processes, mainly related to the preparation of your vehicle. Here, you need to clean and check your vehicle for shipping. Further, check whether your vehicle follows all railway rules. 


To the Train:

The most important step is where you take your vehicle for loading. Make sure you have prepared it perfectly and it is loaded securely onto the train. The railway authorities take care that it is perfectly strapped and chained to avoid any damage. 


Final Documentation:

Just after loading or sometime before loading the railway professionals need to check all the necessary documents. It might include the vehicle’s registration certificate, insurance, emission certificate, ID proof, and so on. 



The Bottom Shell

So this is all you need to know. Now, whether you need to car or bike transport by train, the same above-mentioned procedure and steps are there to follow. 

Címkék: bike shifting by train car shifting by train


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