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Add meg az e-mail címed, amellyel regisztráltál. Erre a címre megírjuk, hogy hogyan tudsz új jelszót megadni. Ha nem tudod, hogy melyik címedről regisztráltál, írj nekünk:


A jelszavadat elküldtük a megadott email címre.

Elfelejtettem a jelszavam 

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Ez a funkció csak regisztrált tagoknak elérhető. Csatlakozz most a Networkhöz vagy ha már tag vagy, lépj be itt:

Most people are not so good at multi-tasking. While they are editing a file on their computer or reviewing a business report, they often forget to check their email. If you are expecting an important email from your boss but if you find it difficult to keep checking your email you can turn on SBCGlobal Email Notifications on your desktop and get the required updates. You can call the SBCGlobal Customer Support  Phone Number and speak to a trained technician to learn more about how you can change the notifications settings for your account. You can also have a look at the steps mentioned in this blog to make the necessary changes on your own.


Steps to Turn On SBCGlobal Email Notifications on Desktop


If you want to receive an immediate alert about incoming emails, you will need to adjust the webmail and browser settings to make sure you get the required notifications. You can follow the steps given below to make necessary changes and turn on SBCGlobal email notifications on your Desktop:

Step 1: Log in to your SBCGlobal account and go to your webmail inbox.

Step 2: Click on the small gear icon and then select ‘More Settings.’

Step 3: Go to ‘Notifications’ and toggle the Desktop Notifications button.

Step 4: Once you turn Desktop Notifications on, open the browser settings.

Step 5: Depending on the browser, you use open ‘Privacy and Security’ settings or ‘Permissions’ and allow SBCGlobal to show alerts.


Since the browser settings may differ, it is best that you consult an expert before you change the settings. If you have any trouble with the email alerts or settings you can call the SBCGlobal Customer Service and ask for help. Qualified email experts and software technicians are available 24 hours a day to help you resolve any error related to your SBCGlobal email account. Experts will give you a detailed step-by-step guide so that you can turn on the email notifications and get regular updates from your SBCGlobal contacts whenever you need it.


Source URL: - Turn On SBCGlobal Email Notifications on Desktop

Címkék: sbcglobal customer care sbcglobal customer service sbcglobal customer support sbcglobal tech support sbcglobal technical support


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