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Add meg az e-mail címed, amellyel regisztráltál. Erre a címre megírjuk, hogy hogyan tudsz új jelszót megadni. Ha nem tudod, hogy melyik címedről regisztráltál, írj nekünk:


A jelszavadat elküldtük a megadott email címre.

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Whenever you are replying to an email, or if you are sending an email to a new contact you need to make sure you use the correct email address otherwise the message will just bounce back. Sending emails to unverified addresses will cause error such as SBCGlobal Error Code 550. If this error occurs frequently you can contact SBCGlobal Customer Care Number to see if you can find a permanent solution to the problem. You can also have a look at the steps mentioned in this blog to try and resolve the problem.

Steps to Fix SBCGlobal Error 550

SBCGlobal Error Code 550 occurs when you are attempting to send an email to an unverified address. Since the address is not verified you will see an error message that says “Mailbox unavailable.” You can refer to the steps below to try and resolve the issue:

Step 1: Log in to your SBCGlobal email account and click on the ‘Settings’ gear icon located in the top left corner of your screen.

Step 2: Select ‘More Settings’ and then go to the ‘Mailboxes’ section and look for the option that says “Send-only Email Address.”

Step 3: Click on the ‘Add’ option and enter the required account information and then press the verify button to send a confirmation email.

Step 4: It would be best if you kept the mailboxes option open until you receive confirmation that the email address is verified.

Step 5: The account that you want to verify will receive an email that has a link and instructions to acknowledge and verify the email address.

Step 6: Once you are able to successfully verify the email address you can go back to the mailboxes page and click refresh.

If you follow the step properly you should see the email address and the account that you just created in the list of send-only addresses. In case the verification is incomplete you can always get in touch with SBCGlobal Phone Number and ask for help. Certified email experts and technicians are available 24 hours a day to help you troubleshoot any error connected to your SBCGlobal account.

Read more: - How to Fix SBCGlobal Error 550

Címkék: fix sbcglobal error 550 sbcglobal error 550


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