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PUBG Mobile is a popular mobile game. With millions of active players across the globe, the game has become a sensation since its release in 2018. The latest update, PUBG Mobile 1.4.0, has added many new features and improvements that have taken the gaming experience to a new level. In this article, we will know about PUBG Mobile 1.4.0 APK and provide a guide on downloading and installing it.

PUBG Mobile 1.4.0 Apk Features:


The latest update to PUBG Mobile has brought several new features and improvements to the game.

New game modes: They introduced two new game modes - Titan Strikes and Erangel Titans. In Titan Strikes, players must fight against giant robots to survive, while in Erangel Titans, players must fight against giant monsters.

New vehicle: The latest update has introduced a new vehicle - Coupe RB. The Coupe RB is a two-seater sports car that can travel at high speeds and is perfect for getting around quickly.

New weapons: They added new weapons to the game, including the P90 submachine gun, the MK12 marksman rifle, and the Desert Eagle pistol.

Improved game performance: The latest update has improved the overall performance of the game, with smoother gameplay, reduced lag, and better graphics.

How to download and install PUBG Mobile 1.4.0 APK:


Step 1: Go to the official PUBG Mobile website or any trusted third-party website and download the APK file.

Step 2: Once the APK file is downloaded, go to the Downloads on your phone and tap on the APK file to start the installation process.

Step 3: After the installation, you can open the game and start playing.

System Requirements:

Android version 5.1.1 or higher.

At least 2GB of RAM.

At least 2GB of free storage space.

Benefits of Using PUBG Mobile 1.4.0:

Using PUBG Mobile 1.4.0 comes with several benefits, including:

New features and improvements: PUBG Mobile 1.4.0 offers exciting new features and improvements to improve the gaming experience. Players can enjoy the new game modes, maps, and weapons added to the game. The update also brings new gameplay mechanics that make the game more challenging and engaging.

Improved graphics and sound quality: With PUBG Mobile 1.4.0, the graphics and sound quality of the game have been improved. Players can enjoy a more immersive gaming experience with better visuals and sound effects. The game also runs more smoothly on devices, making it easier to play and navigate.

More secure and stable: The developers of PUBG Mobile have worked hard to make the game more secure and stable with every update. It ensures that players can enjoy a seamless and uninterrupted gaming experience.

Better performance: PUBG Mobile 1.4.0 has been optimized to run better on a wider range of devices. It means that even low-end devices can run the game smoothly without experiencing any lag or other issues.



In conclusion, PUBG Mobile 1.4.0 APK is an exciting update to one of the most popular mobile games in the world. With its new features and improvements, improved graphics and sound quality, more secure and stable performance, and regular updates, it's no wonder why millions of players continue to enjoy the game. If you're a fan of PUBG Mobile or just looking for an engaging and immersive mobile game to play, you should consider downloading PUBG Mobile today.

Címkék: pubg mobile 1.4.0 apk


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