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Tinder has become one of the leading dating apps amongst young people across the globe. It is easy to handle and promises you with a lot of options based on your preferences and location. But, there are times when the user has to come across the “Tinder something went wrong 5000” error message. It obviously signifies that there are some major issues associated with the same. And, for that, we have come up with this blog. Here, we will discuss the reasons and solutions behind the ‘Something went wrong’ error message. Let’s take a look:

Why do you receive ‘something went wrong’ message?

While it is a popular message, you need to be careful about the same. And so, it is important for you to quickly find out the reasons behind the same:

·         When the network coverage is down

·         When you share inappropriate pictures

·         When you choose to drop harassing texts

·         When you use your Tinder account for spamming

·         When you do not abide by the Terms and Conditions of Tinder

What to do if you get ‘Something went wrong’ on Tinder?

·         Make sure that you have switched to a reliable internet connection source

·         You must avoid VPN while using Tinder

·         Don’t forget to clear the cache memory of the app

·         If nothing works, you can use Tinder via mobile web browser

Now, it is to bring into your notice, if you keep on avoiding the Terms and Conditions of Tinder, you might get your account banned. And, just in case, if you have already violated any Terms, you should get assistance by experts on Tinder 40303 banned fix. So, it is better to be careful than to regret later.

Read more: tinder matches wont load


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