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Add meg az e-mail címed, amellyel regisztráltál. Erre a címre megírjuk, hogy hogyan tudsz új jelszót megadni. Ha nem tudod, hogy melyik címedről regisztráltál, írj nekünk:


A jelszavadat elküldtük a megadott email címre.

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Comcast IMAP Server Not Responding

The server is a secured and immense storehouse for all websites, apps, and software. It is defined as a computer or system that provides information, services, resources, programs, and data to other systems called clients over a network. A computer or system can be both a server and a client over a network like a local area network or a wide area network. Various types of servers are available as storehouses for websites, files, emails,  and software.

Comcast Email is also stored in an email server like Comcast IMAP server that may have issues because of a few unwanted reasons. Some troubleshooting steps are playing an essential role in removing Comcast IMAP server issues. You can also take the support of a technical expert by calling Comcast Helpline Number to remove all problems related to Comcast IMAP Server. It is available all the time 24/7 hours in a week and 365 days in a year to take up your calls.

What Are The Methods To Fix Comcast IMAP Server Not Responding Error?

Incorrect email settings lead to invalid configuration to a server that may cause it to stop responding. The following steps discussed below will help you in removing the issue from Comcast IMAP server.

Method – 1

      Configure the Comcast email settings by opening ‘Outlook’ email.

      Locate the ‘Tools’ menu and press at the ‘Accounts’ option.

      In the account window, click at the ‘plus’ sign to add a new account at the left-corner.

      Choose the right Comcast email account already added and check the server information.

      After selecting your newly added account, enter your ‘Email Address’ and choose the ‘Continue’ option.

      From the option IMAP/POP, select IMAP mentioned in the ‘Type’ option and enter your ‘Email Address’ and ‘Password’.

      Also, enter the full server information given below.


Incoming Server:

Port Number: 993

Use SSL: Yes


Outgoing Server:

Port Number: 465

Use SSL: Yes


      After filling-up, the above details, press ‘Add Account’ and next, choose ‘Done’ to finish the mail settings.

Method – 2

      Make sure that internet connectivity on a device in which Comcast mail opened is strong and stable.

      A low internet can also be an issue for Comcast Mail not responding because a server takes a long time to load the desired email page or window.

Method - 3

The emails can be deleted while changing or modifying IMAP server settings with old POP settings from the mail server. To avoid this, you have to follow two below points.

      Create a new folder when you have decided to modify IMAP server settings.

      Move the essential emails to a new folder and modify the incoming settings to IMAP server settings.

Method – 4

      The device at which you have added your email account may face technical issues. To ensure correct mail settings on a device in which your email account is added, you must sign out or log out your Comcast email from that device.

      Restart the system and after some time, again open your email with valid login credentials, if everything is fine, i.e. mail settings are correct, and email is signed-in. So, no need to take troubleshooting steps.

Suppose, after restarting your device or computer, if Comcast email is not responding, then you must dial Comcast Customer Service Number to fix this issue. The technical team is available to attend your calls all the time. 

Related blog post: Spam Emails in AOL Email Account

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