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AOL is the best and most advanced email service in recent days. AOL email is of full security feature and a high-class interface. AOL is responsive to various technical glitches. You will get AOL not working issues and its causes and respective solutions to fix it in this blog. If your AOL email is not working correctly, you must call AOL Helpline Number to get appropriate solutions to troubleshoot it. Let's focus first on its causes.

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Why Does AOL Email Not Working Issue Take Place?

Numerous reasons can trigger this issue in the AOL email. Thus, it is necessary to identify all the causes that affect your AOL email account's functioning.

      Poor Internet Connection – Bad or slow internet connection is the primary reason you can't use AOL email unexpectedly.

      Lost or Forgot AOL Password – AOL not working error usually occurs due to missing or forgotten password. In such problems, recreating the password might help

      Outdated AOL app – Outdated AOL application can make you face AOL sign-in error

      Incompatible browser – The browser problem can also cause AOL email problems

      Problem with third-party email client setup – The inaccurate configuration also results in an AOL email error. If the AOL email is not working on Gmail, Outlook or any other third-party email client, you should put a close watch on the configuration settings.

Despite the above causes, you must go through a few troubleshooting steps to know how to fix the AOL Email Not Working issue.

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How to Fix AOL Email Not Working Issue on Android?

If you can't use the AOL email on your Android device, you can easily remove the problem after following the steps given below.

      First, open AOL email on your Android device, and enter log-in credentials and also open incoming and outgoing settings

      Choose the "Manual Setup" option

      Press on the IMAP account settings option to enter the required information. Type '', and in the Port field, type '143.'

      Press "Next" and go to "SMTP" preferences

      Type "" in the "SMTP" server option and type "587" in the Port Field

      Now save the AOL email configuration and shut the application

      Examine if this problem is resolved


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How to Fix AOL Email Not Working On iPad?

If you are an iPad user, and the AOL email is not opening on it, try a few troubleshooting steps.

      Move to the "Settings" of your iPad and move to the Mails, Contacts, and Calendar’s option

      Now, choose your AOL email account and examine if you have mentioned the accurate email address

      Find '' in the Host Name field, mention the same without any other information

      Press the "SMTP" option and ensure that the primary server reads as '' and examine if the server switch is ON

      Move back to the iPad Home Screen and see if you can't use AOL email account without any problem

After going through the above troubleshooting methods, if the problem is not rectified, you must take expert guidance by calling the AOL customer care number to fix all AOL mail issue.

Source URL:  How to Fix AOL Email Not Working

Címkék: aol mail issues


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