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Limiting reagents of any substance can be found out by using the limiting reactant calculator and then by following all the instructions carefully and by knowing how to calculate it. 

So find out all these details below.

Instructions to calculate it using limiting reactant calculator

So if you want to calculate the limiting reagent, you must enter the equation of a chemical reaction and then press the start button. Now the reactants and the products with their coefficients will appear above. 

Now enter any of the known values for each of the reactants. Here the limiting reagent will get highlighted in red and the theoretical yields of all the products should also be calculated.

Now few of these points must be remembered which are as:

  1. Use the uppercase for the first character in the element and then the lowercase for the second one. For example- Au, Fe, C, O, N, F etc.

  1. Iconic charges are ignored and are still not supported.

  1. Compound states like (ag) or (g) are actually not needed.

  1. Just replace the immutable groups in the compounds to avoid the ambiguity. For example- C6H5C2H5 + O2 = C6H5OH + CO2 + H2O will not be balanced but the equation XC2H5 + O2 = XOH + CO2 + H2O will. 

How to calculate the Limiting Reactant using a limiting reactant calculator?

When we perform experiments where many substances react, it is very common that there is excess of one or more reagents. Now the reagents which do not have excessand so fully react are called the limiting reagents or the limiting reactants, which means that the reaction is prevented from going forward once the limiting reagent is consumed and so limited. 

Now the ways to calculate it are:

  1. First balance the equation- For finding the limiting reagent, balancing the equation is important. Understand this by a example- an equation, MnO2 + Al + Mn + Al203 is balanced to get 3MnO2 + 4Al + 3Mn + 2Al203 which means that for every three molecules of the MnO2, you will need 4 Al to form a molecule of 3 Mn and 2 Al2O3 molecules. 

And the molecules which exceed these ratios are called excess reagents.  

  1. Then determine the molar mass of each of the reactants and the product- As the equation is balanced, now find out the molar mass of each of the compounds. 

You can do this manually or by using the molar mass calculator.

If we consider the previous example, according to that the molar masses will be:

  1. MnO2 = 86.936

  2. Al = 26.981

  3. Mn = 54.938

  4. Al2O3 = 101.96

  1. Grams and moles of the needed or the known substance- After finding the above two things, you must also know the amount of all reactants in grams or moles. 

Now to convert between the grams and moles, just multiply moles by the molar mass to get the value in grams or just divide the grams by the molar mass to get the moles.

If we consider we have 100g of MnO2 and we want to convert it into a number of moles, then it can be done as- 100/86.936 which is equal to 1.15 moles.

  1. Find the limiting and the excess reagents- So to finally find the limiting reagent-

  1. First divide the amount of moles of each reactant by the substance's coefficient.

  1. Now the substance which will have the smallest result after calculations will be limiting reagents and rest of the others are the excess reagents. 

  1. Also if you get the same results, that means all reagents are consumed and there is no limiting reagent.

  2. And now to find the amount of each reagent consumed, use the smallest value to perform the needed calculations by multiplying the value to the coefficient and the molar mass of each substance.

  1. Finally use the online calculator- If you want to make sure that you get the most accurate answer easily and quickly, you must use the calculator to perform and carry out all the limiting reagent calculations. Limiting reactant calculator is the best way to find the limiting reactants.\


So just simply follow the instructions and the above mentioned ways to find out the limiting reactant using a limiting reactant calculator.



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