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Skateboarding is amazing; therefore, a lot of people are attracted to this sport each year. A great number of newbies to skateboarding are kids and young teenagers since they find that skateboarding is not just a sport but also an interesting way of exercising and expressing their personality. 

However, these players are still dependent on their parents so they can decide which to buy or what to prepare for a skating session. The shared article where SkateAdvisors guided newbies to pick a good skateboard for kids, also mentioned some mistakes that parents usually make when getting a skateboard for their children. 

So how can you choose a good skateboard for kid beginners? What are the best products for these skaters in this age group? Let’s find out in today’s thread. 


Parents must not buy skateboards at the supermarket or some stores like Walmart or Target since these skateboards suck. They can not ensure a good skating experience or even break in the very first use. Hence, they should choose a reliable skate shop to purchase the first skateboard for their kids. 

Choosing the wrong type of skateboard can make your kids easily give up skateboarding since they will encounter numerous problems when learning. That’s why parents must spend some minutes learning about different skateboarding styles by SkateAdvisors to know about the requirements for each style. 

Another important factor to choose a good skateboard for kids is appearance. For this part, I suggest parents take their kids with them and choose the product that they are interested in. You should know that choosing a skateboard with an ugly appearance can stop the kids from enjoying their skateboarding sessions. 


Here I would like to introduce to you some good skateboards for children so that parents can save time and effort in searching for a suitable product. I don’t mean that the choices are limited in these products I’ll suggest below; therefore, skaters can choose any product that they think is suitable for them. 

The first product is the Magneto Mini Cruiser Skateboard which is suitable for skaters of all ages. In general, the quality of the board is good but you may feel uncomfortable due to the lack of grip on the deck without any grip tape.

The second skateboard is the Minority Skateboard which has a unique design, regular kicktail, nose, and proper sharpness. This board has high maneuverability and it can conquer different terrains when commuting around. 

Finally, the Rimable Complete Skateboard is also a good product for children with a maximum carrying capacity of 198 pounds. This board is considered the best product for skaters under 5 years old despite numerous controversial thoughts about skateboarding at early ages by SkateAdvisors on pinterest



As you can see, even a non-skater can still get a good skateboard just based on the recommendation of pro skaters. However, if you want to own the best product, you must have good knowledge in this field as well as learn from other experienced riders.



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