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The liver is where vitamin D is primarily kept. D2 and D3 are not biologically active. The liver and kidneys are responsible for converting both forms into active vitamin D, also known as calcitriol. This active form encourages calcium and phosphorus absorption from the gut. Let's know more about what causes vitamin d deficiency from below. 

To make bones strong and dense, minerals calcium and phosphorus are integrated into them (a process called mineralization). As a result, calcitriol is essential for the development, maintenance, and repair of bones.

Psoriasis, hypoparathyroidism, and renal osteodystrophy can all be treated with vitamin D. Leukemia, breast, prostate, colon, and other cancers cannot be prevented by vitamin D, according to research. When your body doesn't produce enough vitamin D, you get a vitamin D deficit. Numerous factors, such as inadequate sun exposure, a bad diet, and certain medical disorders, might contribute to what causes vitamin d deficiency.

About Vitamin D

There are a few things you may do to raise your levels of vitamin D if you suspect you may have one. Start by increasing your exposure to the sun, eating more vitamin D-rich foods, and taking supplements. The management of calcium and phosphate intake is aided by vitamin D. Calcium is necessary for strong bones. Phosphorus is necessary for healthy, strong bones, teeth, muscles, nerves, and other body parts.

According to studies, many people with vitamin D deficiencies also experience chronic back discomfort. Additionally, they feel pain in their joints, ribs, or legs. Depression and vitamin D deficiency are connected, especially in older people. This is particularly true in countries with a colder climate where people experience seasonal depression during the winter. It is important what causes vitamin d deficiency.

Low vitamin D levels have been associated with severe hair loss, particularly in women. Vitamin D deficiency has been connected to the condition known as alopecia areata, which causes sufferers to lose large clumps of hair. In your body, vitamin D helps to reduce inflammation. It is crucial for warding off infection and promoting wound healing. Inadequate vitamin D synthesis can result in poor wound healing.

Reasons And Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency 

You may have low amounts of vitamin D if you strictly adhere to a vegan diet. Since the majority of the natural food sources of vitamin D, such as fish oil, beef liver, and milk, are not vegetarian, you may need to take vitamin D tablets or supplements. Sunlight is utilised by your body to create vitamin D. However, you can be at danger of getting vitamin D insufficiency if you spend most of your time indoors or reside in a cold country and it is really important for you concerning what causes vitamin d deficiency.

Your skin's capacity to produce vitamin D in reaction to sunshine is diminished by melanin. Therefore, you might need to take Vitamin D3 or Vit D orally if you are dark and have moved to a place with less sunlight.

Although they have higher UV protection, persons with darker skin require more time in the sun to create the same amount of vitamin D as those with lighter skin. The prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency is typically higher among non-Hispanic Black people. You produce less vitamin D from sunlight exposure if you have darker skin regarding what causes vitamin d deficiency. 

Risk factors for vitamin D deficiency include older adults who are housebound, obese individuals, people with documented osteoporosis, and individuals with malabsorption diseases such celiac disease or inflammatory bowel disease.


Higher body mass indexes are frequently linked to lower vitamin D levels. The scientific literature has provided several arguments for why this is the case. Vitamin D builds up in fat cells, so having more fat cells may reduce the amount of vitamin D circulating in the body. Research in this area about what causes vitamin d deficiency is ongoing to better understand the mechanism underlying the association between low vitamin D levels and obesity.

Címkék: find out what causes vitamin d deficiency and symptoms


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