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Hazel O'Connor - Gigolo

LPLmanias töltötte fel ezen a napon: 2011.08.13.


There he goes now walking down the street
Well decked out from his head to his feet
Women meet him, women find him oh so sweet

But stop, beware, that man don't care
When you need, when you bleed that man don't care

He's just a gigolo-o-o
A gigolo-o-o, a gigolo

Oh how he wears such a thin disguise
Look a little closer unmask his eyes
See right through him see oozing with lies

He's just a gigolo-o-o
A gigolo-o-o, a gigolo

Kislemezek, maxik

1979 Ee-I-Adio
1980 Writing on the Wall
1980 Eighth Day / Monsters in Disguise #5 UK Singles Chart
1980 Give Me an Inch / If Only #41 UK Singles Chart
1980 Waiting / Sons and Lovers
1981 D-Days / Time Is Free #10 UK Singles Chart
1981 Will You / Sons and Lovers #8 UK Singles Chart
1981 Zoo (Csak az NSZK-ban)
1981 Do What Do You / Waiting
1981 (Cover Plus) We're All Grown Up / White Room #41 UK Singles Chart
1981 Hanging Around / Hold On / Not For You #45 UK Singles Chart
1982 Calls the Tune / Eighth Day (Live) / Give Me An Inch (Live) #60 UK Singles Chart
1982 Men of Good Fortune / D-Days (New Version)
1982 That's Life / Waiting
1984 Just Good Friends
1984 Tell Me A Story Now / The Man I Love
1984 Don't Touch Me / Bring It On Home to Me
1984 Cuts Too Deep
1985 Stranger in a Strange Land
1985 Why Don't You Answer
1985 Push and Shove (Chris Thompsonnal)
1986 Fighting Back / Reach
1986 Today Could Be So Good
1986 We Tried Boy (Didn't We?)
1987 And I Dream (David Easterrel)
1990 Heat of the Night
1993 My Friend Jack
1993 Tell Me Why
1998 Na, Na, Na
2004 One More Try


1980 Breaking Glass #5 UK
1980 Sons and Lovers
1981 Cover Plus #32 UK
1984 Smile
1984 Greatest Hits
1990 Alive and Kicking in L.A.
1993 To Be Freed
1993 Over the Moon… Live
1995 Private Wars
1998 5 In The Morning
1997 Live in Berlin
2000 Beyond the Breaking Glass
2000 L. A. Confidential – Live
2002 Acoustically Yours
2002 Ignite
2003 A Singular Collection – The Best of Hazel O'Connor
2005 Hidden Heart
2005 Fighting Back – Live
2008 Smile (az 1984-es album bónuszfelvételekkel kiegészített új kiadása)
2010 Breaking Glass Now (az 1980-ban kiadott Breaking Glass album dalainak újrafelvett változata bónuszfelvételekkel)
2010 Bluja Project
2011 I Give You My Sunshine

Címkék: gigolo hazel o'connor new wave rock sons and lovers  

Kategória: Zene

Látta 199 ember.

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