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16 Horsepower - Black Soul Choir (Loreley, 1997)

Feltöltés ideje: 2008.01.25.

16 Horsepower Black Soul Choir,
Loreley 1997, June 21th


No man ever seen the face of his foe no
He ain't made of flesh and bone
He's the one who sits up close beside you
And when he's there you are alone

Every man is evil yes and every man's a liar
Unashamed with the wicked tongues sing
In the black soul choir

Every man is evil yes and every man's a liar
Unashamed with the wicked tongue
The black soul choir

Oh, he rises in my way
Oh, he rises in my way

No man ever seen the face of my Lord no
Not since he left his skin
He's the one you keep cold on the outside girl
He's at your door let him in

Every man is evil yes and every man's a liar
Unashamed with the wicked tongues sing
In the black soul choir

Every man is evil yes and every man's a liar
Unashamed with the wicked tongue
The black soul choir

Oh, he rises in my way
Oh, he rises in my way

I will forgive your wrongs, I am able
For my own I feel great shame
I will offer up a brick to the back of your head boy
If I was Cain

Every man is evil yes and every man's a liar
Unashamed with the wicked tongues sing
In the black soul choir

Every man is evil yes and every man's a liar
Unashamed with the wicked tongue
The black soul choir

Oh, he rises in my way
Oh, he rises in my way

Címkék: 16 horsepower 1997 amerika banjo bendzsó black soul choir david eugene edwards folk loreley népdal népzene rock  

Kategória: Zene

Látta 215 ember.

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