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Our guide will give you a an overview of the top athletes with long stretches in FIFA 23. The list below includes players with a variety of roles that means you'll be able to build an effective team of your own.

His passing abilities are unparalleled, and his shooting abilities are among the top among all CMs. He's had the rating of an 91 for over six years, which says much.
Though you can easily put him in an attacking position do not forget to consider his aid especially when playing alongside Haaland. But you can be sure of a strong performance no matter the location, be it an area with FIFA 23 Coins a six yard boundary, the edge of the field or even in the middle.
Even though you can put him in an attacking position on the field do not forget to consider his aid particularly alongside Haaland. But you can always expect a strong performance no matter the field, no matter if it's an area with a six yard boundary or on the outside of the field or the half line.
Benzema was probably the one with the most ups and downs in terms of his performance throughout his time in the FIFA franchise. But this season he is definitely considered one of the greatest players.
He is also one of the most athletic athletes in football and that makes him a fantastic long center forward. With buying FUT 23 Coins a well-planned strategy, it is possible to easily compete against Mbappe although his speed is smaller than Kylian's.

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