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The method used by Blizzard to specify your character's characteristics in Diablo 4 is a blend of the method used by the studio in Diablo 2 and Diablo 3. As the executive producer and head of the Diablo IV Gold franchise Rod Fergusson put it, "Diablo 2 seemed like you were locked in; you could respec once per difficulty. With D3, you kind altered your appearance as if you would change your clothes. Everything was gear-based as opposed to skill-based."Fergusson added, "I think the fact that we have skills on the equipment [in Diablo 4] is really nice for experimentation -- as a sorceress I [might] get Blizzard [on a pair of boots] three levels before I should and I can try Blizzard to see if I actually want it."
Director of the game Joe Shely told Polygon in an interview at a roundtable during a roundtable discussion that "having your character feel like a collection of choices you've made will lead to fascinating decisions, or at a minimum, intriguing opportunities."Shely added that the Diablo Team is well aware of the fact that gamers, especially in the beginning, don't know the full extent of the various classes' capabilities. They will be looking to test their skills.
"When you look at our respec processes," Shely said, "which are applicable to both the skills tree as well as Paragon for the higher levels, which is our endgame development system. "We've focused on approaching it in a way that makes it clear that making a choice is critical, and your character is different from everyone others, and that there is plenty of flexibility to try things out.
"You've had the option of specify points point by point. You can just click to cancel a point, and spend it on the next thing and cheap Diablo IV Gold as you move older, the amount rises to make choices more thoughtful. Of course, you could also revise your entire tree in one sitting if are looking to rebuild it from the base."

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