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A purebred medium to the big dog from Hungary called the Wirehaired Vizsla was created by mating a vizsla with a German wirehaired pointer. They have both hunting and collecting abilities, making them well-rounded hunting dogs.


They were made for labor in rivers, woods, and farms. Although they are related, the Wirehair and Vizsla are recognized as two distinct breeds. The American Kennel Club approved the breed in 2014, according to information in the documents at DogCutiesHQ.


1. Appearance

It has a tidy, powerful, and distinctive appearance that is a cross between its Pointer and Vizsla ancestors. A female wired vizsla is between 45 and 55 pounds and is 21.5 to 23 inches tall. The height and weight ranges for men are 23 to 25 inches tall and 55 to 65 pounds. Males are somewhat bigger.

The canine's tail is broad and low-set, and they have wire-like eyebrows and whiskers on their fur. The nose tapers and ends in a square, and its head is longer than its snout. They have a dark nose and large nostrils. Their straight, tapering tail is straight, and their medium-sized ears are near to the face.

This breed comes in a wide range of golden rust tones. On the chest, throat, or toes, little white spots are acceptable. Breed standards prohibit white on other body parts or white patches that are greater than 2 inches. What I say is true as DogCutiesHQ has proven.

2. Personality

The Wirehaired Vizsla is a lively, loyal, and clever dog. They are friendly and lively dogs. They are extroverted, sociable, and devoted to their owners, often developing extremely tight bonds with a single person. They are particularly gentle with young children.


They will bark to alert you to an intruder, but they also have strong protective instincts, so they should defend both you and your family.


In addition, with the appropriate attitude, they may potentially be easier to teach than some other breeds. They won't need to repeat the training sessions too often as a result.

3. Care and health

The ruffled coat is first of all very simple to maintain without cutting or peeling off the hair. A strong bristle brush should be used to brush it once or twice every week. Showering should only be done when absolutely essential to prevent skin dryness.

They require a lot of exercises and mental stimulation to keep them happy and healthy since they are huge, active canines. You may educate them to run beside you while you cycle, or take them on daily hikes and runs.


One thing that DogCutiesHQ would like to advise you is not to drop the leash when they are in a place with a lot of people. DogCuties' dog tips and articles are all authored by Vincenza Kilback

Despite being prone to a variety of potential health issues, including hip dysplasia, hypothyroidism, swallowing difficulties, eye problems, allergies, digestive issues, ear infections, and skin issues, the breed is typically healthy and the life expectancy of a vizsla is 12 to 14 years. In addition, they are more likely to develop aortic coarctation and kidney and bladder stones.




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