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Marianna blogja - 2013. február

What is Kinesiology? 

Kinesiology is a safe, natural, effective and complete complementary therapy.
It is a way of detecting imbalances in the body through muscle testing.

Kinesiology is a fantastic therapy and is suitable for people of all ages and all states of health. 

What can Kinesiology treat?

Every health problem will have at least one imbalance.Finding imbalances and treating holistically is the goal of Kinesiology, so it can help with just about anything:  improve energy, posture, help with pain, emotional problems and stress.

Címkék: complementary therapy english lead kinesiology muscle testing pécs therapy treatment



What is Kinesiology? 

Kinesiology is a safe, natural, effective and complete complementary therapy.
It is a way of detecting imbalances in the body through muscle testing.

Kinesiology is a fantastic therapy and is suitable for people of all ages and all states of health. 

What can Kinesiology treat?

Every health problem will have at least one imbalance.Finding imbalances and treating holistically is the goal of Kinesiology, so it can help with just about anything:  improve energy, posture, help with pain, emotional problems and stress.

Címkék: english lead holistic kinesiology therapist kinesiology therapy pécs stress release


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