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Apart from advanced features of HP Laser Printer, users may get frequent error codes and messages. The appearance of such error codes makes your printer not to perform smoothly. HP printer error code 49.XX indicates that it is the firmware. Before this error causes permanent damage to your HP printer, you must take expert guidance. As per the expert, tolerating printer errors is not a great decision, but it can disturb your important work. You can eliminate this error by contacting HP Printer Customer Service Number. Few steps are mentioned below to troubleshoot Error 49.XX in HP laserjet printer.

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This error can be intermittent or persistent

1 Intermittent 49 Issue – The error occurs when HP Laserjet Printer works well for a few minutes and then not functioning for a few minutes. These errors are removed by typically turning the printer off and then, on.

2. Persistent 49 Issue – It occurs repeatedly, and after one or two attempts, you can quickly solve this error. These errors can't be removed after turning the printer off and then, on.

What Are The Causes Behind Such Error?

This error occurs when the HP laserjet printer will not perform the work and keep you making a stop and not allow it to do work.

      Printed files with unsupportive printing commands

      Working with third-party software that is not able to support your HP laserjet printer

      Timing, network interruption and congestion and continuous manipulation of jobs in a specific environment.

What are The Troubleshooting Steps of HP Laserjet Printer Error Code 49.XX?

A printer error has become history because the variety of HP Printer uses have changed people's lives in public, private, and educational sectors. With the development of technology, these errors have become common today and can be resolved frequently. If you have ever thought that a new printer will be error-free, then you are absolutely wrong because no technical equipment in this world is bug-free.

Also visit here: How to connect iPad to HP Printer without Air Print

Printer users have frequent errors in their lifetime but no need to worry because there are troubleshooting steps to resolve such errors soon. Users must perform the following errors to remove this error.

      Enter a cancel job to clear out all print jobs history from HP Laserjet Printer memory.

      Shut-down your printer and after some time put it on.

      Print a job other than a software application

      Remove all cables that are connected to a network or server

      Turn off the printer  and remove all DIMMs

      Remove all EIO devices from the printer and turn it on

      Now, install DIMM and EIO and reconnect the cables.

Intermittent Error Solution

      Print a configuration page whether the printer is running FutureSmart 3 or FutureSmart 4

      Please move to the official website of HP and click their upgrade now and download the list of latest firmware versions

      Now, scroll to select FutureSmart 3 or FutureSmart 4 file and then click download and click at Save As and it will be downloaded on the particular location of a file

      Now, open Folder where firmware files are saved and update it by going to the Maintenance Menu available on the control panel with a USB flash drive.

      Please wait for the updating procedure to finish and restart your computer and check it with the HP laserjet printer. 

If still you having any problem, then you can contact on HP Printer helpline Number. There experts are available 24*7 for best assistance.


Source URL: HP Laserjet Printer Error Code 49.XX

Címkék: hp laserjet printer error code 49.xx


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