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AOL is one of the famous and prominent American websites. AOL email is a free email service provider to all the people residing in America and other parts of the world. If AOL mail services are free for you, then Ads pop-up is necessary for AOL to gain profit from various Ads revenues.

This way AOL Mail will earn money from its customers for placing Ads on their free email service. No need to worry with these continuous unnecessary ads shown on your email screen because there are methods to stop these ads from displaying permanently to your screen. If Ads are not removed with these preventive methods, then you must call AOL Email Support Number to remove these Ads from your AOL mail screen. You will instantly get the solution and Ads will be removed from your AOL mail service.

What Are The Steps To Stop Ads Pop-Up On Your AOL Mail?

There are no methods given to remove all Ads shown permanently from AOL mail service. But, you can block these Ads temporarily by clicking the 'close' option displayed in Ads or pressing at 'X' icon showing on the top right corner of the Ads and giving a reason or feedback. You have now removed ads from a specific advertiser. Below are a few procedures to remove or block Ads temporarily from showing on your AOL mail screen.

Also Visit - How to Block an Email Address in AOL

Method – 1

The permanent method is not yet developed in free email services like AOL mail to stop these Ads from a pop-up. However, you can prevent these Ads for one session by following the below steps.

      Sign-in to your AOL email account with your valid email address and password.

      Click at the 'Email' shown the top left corner of the home page

      When you click at the 'New Window' option, your email page will be directed to an Ad-free window.

The Ads will not be removed permanently from free of charge AOL email services because Ads revenue is generated through these Ads by AOL. To remove Ads, forever, you must buy a pack of AOL Ad-Free email service.

Method -2

Most of the latest version of the browser allows Ads to display on AOL mail. To block Ads from your AOL email, you must turn on a Pop-Up Blocker available at the email screen's downside. It will also block some useful Ads for you, so you must turn-off a Pop-up Blocker for a few duration.

Method – 3

Annoying with the continuous Ads shown on your AOL mail, you can temporarily block the Ads from displaying on your AOL mail by following the below steps.

      Login your AOL email account by entering your valid email address and password

      Visit the 'Setting' tab

      Open the 'Account Preferences' screen and click at 'Marketing' icon under the 'Account Control' option.

      A new marketing page will open, now press at the circle showing next to Pop-Up preferences

      On the new Pop-Up preference page, choose 'No. I Don't Want to Receive AOL Members-Only Pop-Up offers’

      Choose Ok to confirm it

After following the above steps, you will be out of Ads shown on your AOL mail. The above steps are easy to use and follow but if any confusion arises, without any hesitation, call AOL Email Helpline Number to get the solution instantly.

Source URL: How to Remove Ads on AOL Mail from Desktop

Címkék: remove ads on aol mail from desktop


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