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Christina blogja - 2009. március



There is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God I know I'm one

My mother was a tailor
She sewed my new bluejeans
My father was a gamblin' man
Down in New Orleans                     


Now the only thing a gambler needs
Is a suitcase and trunk
And the only time he's satisfied
Is when he's on a drunk 


Oh mother tell your children
Not to do what I have done
Spend your lives in sin and misery
In the House of the Rising Sun


Well, I got one foot on the platform
The other foot on the train
I'm goin' back to New Orleans
To wear that ball and chain


Well, there is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God I know I'm one

Címkék: house of the rising sun the animals


Utolsó hozzászólás

Gulyás Zoltán üzente 14 éve

Ez most számomra karácsonyi meglepetés tőled!
Valami igazi hazai.
Az emberben a fiatal éveit hozza elő...

Impresszum Kft.
