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If you have a Windows 10 Computer at your home, install TurboTax on your computer and start filing tax returns online. All you have to perform is shut down your desktop and put CD/DVD in the CD ROM drive available at your computer. Next moment, you will notice that your computer and software installation process will start soon after the CD is automatically read by your computer and software installation process. Once the process is finished, you have to follow the below-given steps to install TurboTax on Windows 10 Home.

      On the first screen, click Next

      Move to End-User License Agreement and if you accept it, click on the option 'Agree.'

      Select 'Automatic' when you are asked: "How Do You Want To Get Updates"?

      Locate the space on your computer where you wish to install TurboTax on your computer and the, select Next

      Click on install and copy TurboTax files from CD/DVD to your Windows 10 computer.

If you encounter any issue in installing TurboTax at your system, move to Turbotax Tollfree Number to get the error resolved soon.

What are the Methods to Install TurboTax 2019/2020 on Windows 10 With CD/DVD?

Suppose you have purchased a CD/DVD of Turbotax, then put it in your computer drive and click on install to start uploading it to your Windows 10 Computer. Below are mentioned easy methods to install Turbotax Software by using CD/DVD drive.

      Shut down all the programs running in your computer

      Please take out the CD  and put it into the optical drive of your computer

      TurboTax will start downloading automatically and hold Windows and R key to open the RUN Window

      Choose to browse to open windows explorer and find the CD-Drive

      Make a double-click on setup.exe file and installation will start soon

      After a short duration, TurboTax will install successfully to your system.

What are the Methods to Install TurboTax 2019/2020 on Windows 10 Without CD/DVD?

Few difficulties might come when you move to install TurboTax without a CD/DVD drive. A situation may arise when you are ready to install TurboTax without a CD/DVD drive. Contact Turbotax Customer Service Number to download it without CD/DVD at your computer. Below are the instructions given to follow about the installation of TurboTax without CD/DVD drive.

      First, please open any favourite browser of your computer system

      Download TurboTax setup files from the official website

      After downloading it, save it before choosing the Run option

      Put a double-click on the .exe file and install it at your desired location, your installation process will start soon.

      After a few moments, your software will install on your system easily.

With the steps as mentioned earlier, you can install TurboTax easily without a CD/DVD drive. Once the software is installed on your system, go to its icon and open it and start filling the tax online with this software's help. When you face any error, then contact TurboTax customer care department, and it will be resolved soon. You can also go with any colleague who has already installed TurboTax at his computer.

Source URL: How to Install TurboTax With or Without CD/DVD on Windows 10


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