White Labeling has become a popular term in the
fleet management industry. It refers to a process where a product of one
company is rebranded by another company to make it look like their own. The
rebranded product is sold to the clients by resellers. It is a win-win
situation for the manufacturer and the resellers as both derive profit from it.
Nowadays, White
label GPS tracking software are
becoming common due to their immense demand in the market. They may be enticing
as they offer many attractive features, but it is important to be fully
informed before deciding.
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Things to Know Before Choosing a White Label GPS Tracking Software
1 hónapja | 0 hozzászólás
White Labeling has become a popular term in the fleet management industry. It refers to a process where a product of one company is rebranded by another company to make it look like their own. The rebranded product is sold to the clients by resellers. It is a win-win situation for the manufacturer and the resellers as both derive profit from it.
Nowadays, White label GPS tracking software are becoming common due to their immense demand in the market. They may be enticing as they offer many attractive features, but it is important to be fully informed before deciding.
Címkék: gps tracking software