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Ez a funkció csak regisztrált tagoknak elérhető. Csatlakozz most a Networkhöz vagy ha már tag vagy, lépj be itt:

Car laser lights, modern lighting technology since 2013, have become popular on luxury cars such as BMW, Audi, Mercedes. Compared to halogen, xenon, and LED lights, Laser lights bring many outstanding benefits. Here are the reasons why you should consider getting laser lights for your car :  

  1. Outstanding Lighting Range: Laser lights have the ability to illuminate up to 600 meters, twice as long as LEDs and four times more than xenon, helping to enhance visibility and safety on the road.

  2. Effective Night Lighting: With a color temperature of about 5500K, similar to daylight, Laser lights significantly improve the ability to recognize details on the road at night.

  3. Energy Saving: Laser lights consume about 10W of energy per bulb, cheaper than LED and xenon lights, contributing to reducing energy costs.

  4. Long Lifespan: Laser lights have an estimated lifespan of 10,000 hours, far superior to traditional lights.

  5. Affordable Price: The price of car laser lights currently ranges from 3 to 10 million VND, depending on the brand and features, making it an economically reasonable choice.

  6. Aesthetic design: Laser lights with compact, classy design, creating blue-white light, increasing the classy appearance of the car.

Updated price list in 2024 for car laser light models at Fixauto, including installation price, available for reference. However, note that prices may change over time. For detailed information and responses, you can contact Fixauto directly via the official website or visit stores in Hanoi.

Fixauto is committed to providing accurate information and will assist customers in finding the car light product that best suits their needs and requirements.

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Címkék: cac uu diem luc chon lua do den laser cho o to cua ban


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