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Hi readers! In this article, we will discuss the story of Manuela Escobar.So stay tuned till last to know more about Manuela Escobar.

Manuela Escobar is the only daughter of the Colombian drug lord and narco-terrorist Pablo Escobar, dubbed "The King of Cocaine" in the past. Escobar life has been nothing short of exciting; she has gone through things that most people could never even dream of. Pablo Escobar, considered the wealthiest criminal in history, would go to any length to grant even the most trivial of his daughter's wishes.

This fairy tale life, however, came to an end when her father was shot and killed by Colombian National Police when she was only nine years old. Things changed drastically after her father died, and she fled Colombia with her mother and brother to avoid retaliation.

Childhood of Manuela Escobar

Manuela Escobar was born on May 25, 1984, around the time Pablo Escobar was becoming one of the world's most powerful drug lords. 

Manuela was probably unaware of her father's occupation as the "King of Cocaine" because she was a child then. But she was aware that her father would go to any length to make her happy.

Despite his violent reputation, Escober admires her daughter alot.

Manuela's life as a princess.

Pablo Escobar was a devoted father who would spoil his children and go to great lengths to grant their wishes. Manuela once requested a unicorn as a birthday present. Pablo, the loving father he was, created a unicorn out of a horse for his daughter, even though it was an impossible proposition. The horse's forehead was adorned with a cow's horn, and wings were attached to its back. The horse, on the other hand, died of infection during this process.

It was also speculated that Manuela's father burned stacks of $2.0 million dollar bills to keep her warm while hiding with his family in the Medellin mountainside. Once, when the darling daughter enquired about the value of a billion dollars, the doting father said, "the value of your eyes, my princess." According to sources, her father once promised her she would be the last of his line. Pablo was so in love with his daughter that he made one of his mistresses abort her baby.

Where is Escobar Now?

Manuela Escobar's current life is unknown because she appears to have chosen to avoid the spotlight. Despite the fact that her mother and brother spoke to the media several times in the years that followed. Her brother, Sebastián Marroqun, published Pablo Escobar: My Father in 2014 under the pen name Juan Pablo Escobar, but Manuela has remained silent. She is also not on social media and appears to be content with living a quiet life with her new identity, away from the dark shadows of her past.

Címkék: manuela escobar


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