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Add meg az e-mail címed, amellyel regisztráltál. Erre a címre megírjuk, hogy hogyan tudsz új jelszót megadni. Ha nem tudod, hogy melyik címedről regisztráltál, írj nekünk:


A jelszavadat elküldtük a megadott email címre.

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Bridger blogja, tech

Mozilla Thunderbird is a free email server utilized by various individuals all around the world. It is not difficult to utilize and is ingrained with various elements that settle on it a well-known decision around the world. You can download the Mozilla Thunderbird email setup from the authority site of Mozilla. Nonetheless, before you proceed with the cycle guarantee you meet the accompanying framework prerequisites.

Mozilla Thunderbird Requirements

Windows: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 or later

Macintosh: Mac OS X 10.9 or later

Linux: GTK+ 3.4 or higher

When your establishment is finished, you really want to design the email account.

Címkék: email errors help issues mozill number problems settings setup support tech technical thunderbird


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