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Fix QuickBooks Abort Error

QuickBooks software is used to track and maintain a record of day-to-day business transactions and manage accounting tasks. Users can drive sales and track expenses by utilizing this software. It is simple to create specific reports comfortably. Being handy and having a fantastic user-friendly design, QuickBooks is also prone to errors. Its incredible features and functionalities never make this software inaccessible. A few critical errors can even grip the strong security protected QuickBooks software. This also puts QuickBooks software to a halt during its regular operation and is known as QuickBooks Abort Error.

You will get everything associated with QuickBooks Abort Error in this blog and some quick solutions to rectify this error.  A quick solution can be found by  getting in touch with the QuickBooks customer service number, and a technical representative will fix all your queries in no time.

See also: QuickBooks Error Code 15101

What Do You Know About QuickBooks Abort Error?

QuickBooks Abort Error is caused due to damaged QBWUSERINI.file, and QuickBooks software freezes unexpectedly while saving and changing files moment. Because of regular freezing, the majority of QuickBooks operation generally stops working. When many transactions occur through QuickBooks software, many chances arise for this error to occur.

See also: QuickBooks Install Error Code 1722

What Are Reasons Causing QuickBooks Abort Error?

Some factors are listed below, causing QuickBooks Abort Error in QuickBooks software.

      Corrupted QBWUSERINI.file

      Antivirus has blocked QuickBooks

      Various QuickBooks versions in your system creating a clash

       If a firewall system is not set up correctly with QuickBooks, it may cause this error

      Interruption of saving process by a user either shutting down  or switching to the sleep mode

      Interruption in the flow of data between the storage locations may cause such an error

      A damaged hard drive can be another reason for such an error

      A damaged Windows operating system may lead to such an error.

See also: quickbooks starts to open then closes

What Are the Preventive Measures to Eliminate QuickBooks Abort Error?

The solution to rectify this error is not complicated, but a few steps are practical. You can follow the below mentioned preventive measures to get the best results. For quick removal, you can also use QuickBooks error support professionals to deal with such irritating errors.

Method – 1 Utilize QuickBooks File Doctor

      Install QuickBooks file doctor tool

      After this, double-click the icon to establish the tool

      Now examine results

1.     If a message appears, “No Error Detected”, then files are “Ok.”

2.     Suppose it shows an error, follow the next step

3.     Rectify your “file” and take the “backup.”

Method – 2 Verify QuickBooks Status

      First, go to the “Files” option

      Next, tap on the “Utilities” option

      Once finished, tap on the “Stop Hosting” to multi-user access

      Now, open the “Company file” on the multi-user mode

      Finally, look for the check mark in the box labelled as “Open File In Multi-User Mode”.

Method – 3 Rename the QBWUSER.INI File

      Enable the hidden folders where the “QBWUSER.INI file” is saved

      Next, navigate to “location:\(user name)\AppData\Intuit\QuickBooks(year)\”

      Once finished with the above steps, press right-click on “QBWUSER.INI.”

      Next, press on “Rename” and add “OLD” at the end of the file name

      Now, go ahead to rename the “ecml file.”

      Finally, try again to open the “file”.

Once the process is completed after applying the above given troubleshooting methods, you still face the same issue in opening the company file. There may be the most probably damaged company files and resolve to take the previous backup of those damaged files.

Go through the following steps if it is not helping you in rectifying this error.

Method - 4 Uninstall and then Reinstall

First, uninstall your QuickBooks Desktop, then reinstall it using a clean install tool.

Method – 5 Generate A New Windows Admin User

      Tap the “Ctrl+R” keys to open the “Run” command on your keyboard

      After this, type “Control Panel”, then choose the “Ok” button. Open the “Control Panel” settings

      Now, choose “User accounts>Manage another account>Create a new account

      Finally, type the “user name”, then select the “Administrator”, and then press on “Create”.

See also: QuickBooks Desktop Doesn’t Open


The steps mentioned above are a few methods that might help QuickBooks users to get rid of this error. However, if the strategies and solutions didn’t work, the errors are deeply implanted. It is better to consult with QuickBooks technical team by calling QuickBooks Customer Service Number to get some effective resolution strategies. It is unlatched round the clock to assist you. QuickBooks experts and a group of professionals will help you to get rid of such errors quickly.


Source URL: How to Fix QuickBooks Abort Error



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