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Populus x canadensis, hybrid between P. Nigra and P.deltoides

Dimensions:32,1m inneight,2,62m in diameter(at 130 cm);6,24m in circumference

Estimaited age 130/150 years

Description: The”Stadium poplar” was the last survivor of the great poplars in the Somes River floodplain situated in the current area of “Simion Barnutiu” Central Park

Starting from 1911 , when the City Stadium was built ( modernized in 1960)this Canadian poplar was the silent witness of all the great sport evens in Cluj Napoca.

Being  only at its  half of its potencial  life span age, this poplar was defeated by the lack of responsibility and love for

Nature of designers and builders of the new stadium

‘Al. Borza!” Botanical Garden hosts and offers to  the public a fragment of this amazing poplar, hoping that everyone wili leave get firmly convindeg that.. even nature needs love!





Címkék: fotok sétatér és botanikuskert


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