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Ava blogja - 2021. március

I can't set Firefox as my Windows 10 default browser

The fusion of Old and New is New Gold, and if in case the updated version of  Windows 10 is not able to fix Firefox as their default browser can create a problem for their users. Firefox users commonly face the problem and report that they  Can't set Firefox as Windows 10 default browser.

Don't put your spirits low because this blog reads all causes and quick tweaks to solve this problem within the blink of an eye.


The root of error when the user is not able to set Firefox as Windows 10 default browser

        Inappropriate Firefox Installation

This error is confirmed when the incomplete or corrupted installation of the operating system is declining the "set as default "request.

Címkék: can’t set firefox as windows 10 default browser


Steps to speed up Mozilla Firefox

Indeed quoted, "Speed is everything", and a tortoise-like speed internet connection can distort us from the path we aim. This blog will give quick tweaks to speed up Mozilla Firefox. No doubt it provides a fast track performance, but sometimes it slows down. We must focus on the solution, not the problem. Mozilla Firefox Support Number always prove to be helpful when nothing can resolve the problem.

Ways to Speed Up Mozilla Firefox

Here are some troubleshooting tips which enable users to speed up Mozilla Firefox.

Címkék: steps to speed up mozilla firefox


Impresszum Kft.
